Bell’s Flamingo Fruit Fight
Gose with lemon lime coriander and sea salt 4.8%

The Fermentor: despite the citrus adding a slight freshness, the overwhelming flavor is that muted breadlines of a standard wheat beer. It’s not bad but it’s hot as shit today and I kinda had my heart set on a typical refreshing, tart gose. Win some, lose some.

Demonwitch: This gose is super tame. While it’s fresh and tasty it really just comes off as weak and watery overall. I’m no professional Gose drinker so maybe I was expecting too much punch, but I have had enough to recognize it’s goods and bass, and this could use a little more tweaking.

Breckenridge Brewery Colorado
Mango Mosaic IPA 5.5%

Demonwitch: The contrast of flavors are a little confusing and a grip on the tongue. It’s not bad persay but the mango clashes with the mosaic in my opinion despite producing a brew with a pretty clean aftertaste.

The Fermentor: I really hated this brew. The bitterness is so overpowering and lingering that it’s tough to get through a single bottle. For me there just wasn’t anything redeeming about this IPA.

Whiner Beer Co. El Tub.
Tart Saison Ale with lime cucumber and lime 6.2% abv

Demonwitch:This beer instantly takes you to a place… imagine eating cold cucumber slices with salt and lime under a cool umbrella that you brought to your favorite beach spot, and you’re just one sip into your favorite beer. Now make that experience a beer and you’ve got El Tub.

The Fermentor: The cucumber comes through perfectly light with the lime cutting the typical saison funk, not saying anything bad about the funk here, but this one cleans that so well. It finishes with a very light salty note, giving a refreshingly clean and light overall brew.